There was lots of huntin' going on around our parts this past week. I mean, lots!

Not only were the little girls and little boy busy finding treats in the grass, the big boy, their Daddy, was busy huntin' in Mississippi. He wasn't huntin' wabbit, but turkeys and fishing on the off times! He had a blast and best of all was successful!

He even brought some turkey home for us to eat..we all thought it was yummy. One thing that he was not huntin' was this snake. He walked up on it in the back yard and in true Daniel fashion - he was barefoot!

The girls have attended 4 egg hunts, so here are just the highlights.

One at Daniel's work

where EB made his appearance. HB didn't seem to notice, E was brave and gave a hug and G was a little skeptical but did say "Hello Bunny"

one at their school, one at my parents' neighborhood

& on Easter Sunday in the backyard.

So we have tons of candy and lots of happy little creatures in this family!!
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