I am loving this age with HB. He is fun, eating everything, cuddly and sweet and sleeping great!
He is getting more wild by the day climbing and taking steps but it's good for me to stay moving around! This month some highlights have been:
*HB can stand up (without pulling up or holding on to anything) by himself.
*He has started taking lots of steps, like 4-5, then plops down and takes off crawling again.
*He looks like a bear, spider or crab when he crawls (on feet not knees) and is really quick..people always remark at how fast he moves around!
*He can climb up a ladder and slide down by himself, though it is scary to watch, but he is super proud when he does!*Hayes says Daddy alot and is starting to say Momma. He talks a lot but doesn't usually say anything real..He likes to be in our conversations though.
*He loves to give high-5s and clap. He makes noises with his mouth and mimicks me and the girls. He thinks it is so hilarious.
*HB loves to laugh with us and does things to make us laugh..he thinks burping is great fun. I think he will have a silly personality like G!
*He has almost 4 teeth, the top middle is finally poking through. They seem to bother him and he loves to chew on things (his paci is a fav). He also started grinding his teeth which is awful to hear!*He wears a size 3 diaper, size 12-2T clothes and is starting to wear his shoes more often. His little kneese are rough from him crawling so much.
*He is a great sleeper and stays in his crib til 8 or 8:30 each morning, usually without a peep and is in bed by 8 at night!
We love your sweet, fun self and have so much fun each day watching you grow and change. Your sisters are your biggest fans and they love kissing, hugging and helping you. They cheer you on when you do basically anything (I always get a play-by-play)! They also tell people everywhere we go about you and your latest accomplishments..can't wait til you potty train! You love your daddy so much and it was so much fun watching ya'll play ball the other night. I love my time with you and am thankful I get to be with you as much as I do..I don't want to miss a minute of you! What a handsome big boy you are becoming!(sneak peek of Halloween) ;)
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