Hayes Bryant and Jackson Jay are good friends already..really whether they like it or not! They are 11 days apart with HB being the oldest and Carrie and I hope they continue to be friends even when they have the choice. But for now, we will make them hang out and grow up together. It is fun to see their differences in growth and ability. While Hayes is definitely bigger than Jackson and has started eating baby food and such, Jackson is sleeping through the night (almost since birth) and can sit up for short spurts and rolls over.

Today we shopped for a bit, put together a diaper cake while the boys bounced in the Jumperoos and ate Chuy's. Here they are at 4 months old! I was just happy that Hayes was not crying or fussing in these pics! The girls love Jackson and talk about him regularly. Emmaline said, "When I said 'Ahh' Jackson said 'Ahh', but Hayes can't do that." Then Georgia chimed in and said, "Nah uhh, Hayes can say 'Ahh' too!" I am not really sure what they were referring too, but it was funny to hear them discuss it all! They also like to talk about Marvin, Jackson's puppy dog!
The Listis love the Kamrowskis and will be so sad if they move, but excited to have a new place to visit!
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