After our brief stay in Gulfport we made the 2 hour drive back to Louin just in time to hop in the car and take cousin Cody to the airport an hour away in Jackson. You would think we are just gluttons for punishment in the car, right. The girls did well and just slept almost the whole way. Emmaline usually doesn't but didn't feel well so she slept a lot. Georgia usually sleeps so it worked out well. And Hayes, well he just gets drug around with us, poor thing, but he is a good sport and flashed his sweet smile between naps.

We ate a yummy burger, shopped a bit and played at a park while we were there.

It was nice to be in Louin with our little family of 5! 5 -whow, crazy how fast that happened.

We got lucky and had fairly warm weather the next day with a beautiful clear, blue sky! So we darted out the door to the land,

rode the 6-wheeler

let the dogs fetch in the Lake, took pictures and ate a yummy lunch. It was a nice day for our family.

That night we made gingerbread houses and I am pretty sure ate more than we decorated.

The girls were giddy with excitement of Santa's impending visit - Emmaline still stuck on her pink Barbie and Georgia still not wanting to see the fat guy come down the chimney. It was fun watching lots of Christmas movies by the fire.

We made chocolate chip cookies for Santa and the elves got busy wrapping presents.
Emmaline & Georgia kept sneaking into the kitchen and getting into the supply of cakeballs! Yummy!It was Christmas morning and the girls actually slept in a bit til 7. They came in the living room which was still only lit by the tiny tree so they couldn't really see their presents. Emmaline sat on the couch by me and I said, "Did you see what Santa brought you?" She said without looking, "Oh ma'am, I missed Santa Clause!" It was so cute. She thought that Santa was supposed to be there when she woke up. I then explained to her that he leaves the presents but has to hurry off to other kids' homes.
Hayes' first food - bananas! He did great!
there was even makeovers being handed out!

So then she and Georgia saw their Barbies and other goodies and all was right with the world. It was a sweet morning and there was lots of laughing and fun. The day was dreary so we never made it outside but enjoyed a warm bath, playing with icecream parlor playdough, eating way too much pumpkin pie (maybe that was just me) and painting toenails.
The next morning we headed out bright and early back to the story continues...
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