Saturday, March 10, 2012

Emmaline is the Big FIVE!

Today Emmaline Jade is five years old.
I can't really believe it has been 5 years since I first held my first baby. What a bittersweet week it has been! We have been celebrating her birthday week since Monday and she has loved every minute of it! She is my party girl..always ready for one and never too tired!
I wanted to do something each day that was special and new for her. First, she got to be the 'leader' (basically she gets to do things first, lead the line when we are walking in somewhere, etc) all week long! She got to do a photoshoot (which she really liked after the fact and kept saying she wanted to do it again), fly her 1st kite she picked out (a princess one), buy Skittles from a convenience store and keep the change (she was more excited about her change than the candy I think!), go swimming in the pool with Gauge, making her favorite meals (ravioli, pizza, spaghetti) and desserts. She got to have lunch with Daniel at his hospital by herself. We had movie night with popcorn and gum (her faves) which always makes her day! We also went to see the Lorax with Granddad and she requested Skittles and her 'special drink' that she gets with MaMa (a cherry slurpie)!
Sugar effects her quickly and she gets so hyper. She gets the giggles and can't help herself from laughing. She also can't help but do things she knows she isn't supposed to, even if she is going to get in trouble she will do it. Not a good thing for our future years together! HA! Here is a typical attitude picture {of a tween}! Emmaline weighs 43 pounds and is about 43 inches tall (my measurements) At the dr. she weighed 41 lbs. and is 43 inches tall! She is 75th % for height and 60th % for weight, just like she has been since she was born!
I do want her to read this one day and know how incredibly blessed me and her Daddy feel that she is ours for this time here on earth. She was the one to make us parents, a family..she taught us about ourselves and how to love unconditionally. Emmaline is a great big sister with such a mothering personality. She is sensitive, sassy and a tattle-tail. She loves her family and says, "what makes me happy the most is being with my family!"
She apologizes without being asked, reminds us to bless our dinner, and thinks kissing on the lips is gross! She has already mastered the eye roll and knows how to be a smart-alec. One of her latest things is to tell Georgia she wants to 'do math' and they will talk about numbers and what equals is serious business! Emmaline loves to learn and wants to be smart. She can spell pretty well and I think will take up reading easily..she can sound things out now decently when she tries..I do forsee our homework future being a bit ugly though. She is a bit shy but warms up quickly to friends and is proud of herself when she does meet someone new! She can't keep her hands off her brother and does not like naptime. She helps me clean and loves the water! She loves animals and has a softhearted soul.
What a special, amazing, smart angel you are, Emmaline! We love you so much and are so thankful for your kind and loving heart. I am privileged to have a front row seat to see what God has in store for you! love always, Mommy

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