Monday, March 12, 2012

Georgia is 3.5 years old!

Today my Georgie is 3.5 years old! She is still a wild one and such a little love bug! Georgia loves singing all day and through all activities. She loves to layer her outfits and wear at least 5 clippies in her hair at a time.
She is the best cuddler ever and gives kisses, hugs and throws out 'I love you's all day! She weighs about 36 lbs. and is 37 inches tall. She is completely potty trained and is so proud of herself for it!
Georgia still prefers to dress herself and do all things herself and her shoes are usually still on the wrong feet by choice. She loves to pretend to be other people and always has a baby she is carrying around. She says she will name her baby Callie! She loves to make messes and be messy and does not like to clean up!
We love our Georgie girl and can't get enough of her spunky, sweet attitude! What a blessing she is!

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